Sunday, November 16, 2008

I got tagged!!

So, here it is...I got tagged by Jamie the almost Aggie from , and to be fair, I must play by the here goes! (Oh yeah, and she challenged me to make my facts non-political, which will be very difficult, but it's worth a shot!)

7 Random and/or Weird facts about me...this should be interesting!

#1. I am the biggest sucker for a banana fudge-brownie sunday. Ever since I worked at sonic back in high school and had their banana fudge sunday, I was was love at first bite! Then they came up with a fudge brownie sunday, and being the creative employee that I am, I just combined the 2, and favorite dessert was born!

#2. I have the cutest little girl in the world. Yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking, "every parent thinks they have the cutest kid." Well, I would say to you, Yes! I agree! Laney has the biggest blue eyes in the world...and when she smiles, it is over! I could be having a terrible day, but when she laughs at me all my problems go away. She really really wants to crawl SO BAD, and she can basically do everything BUT crawl...she can roll all the way across the room both left and right, and she can move backwards, but the going forward is the hard part. She has all the ingredients in the crawl recipe, she just hasn't quite figured out how they mesh yet, but it is coming very soon! And when it does, I'll have to find a new place for my XBOX controllers, because she likes to put them in her very cute but slobbery mouth...

#3. Our chihuahua (Rocksey) can slither her way through the smallest hole under the fence. We've lived in our house for about a year and a 1/2, and I cannot tell you how many times the doorbell has rang and sure enough, there is a neighbor standing at the door holding her. Or several times calling her name from the front yard, or 2 blocks down the street, or the time some guy took her 3 neighborhoods over to this retired army guy, who was going to take her to the vet on-post the next day because she had an Army rabies tag...grrrrr... Just when I think every hole is filled in and every break in the fence is fixed, she still squirms her way through.

#4. I want to know how to honestly make a million dollars. This is not my top priority, because I know money isn't the most important thing in life. I know God will take care of me and my family no matter what, so I'm not too worried about what the future holds. Though, at the same time, I read books about all kinds of self-made millionaires who are able to reach out to people through philanthropy and I want to be one of those guys. This morning our preacher taught about "generosity"...and what a good sermon it was. He talked about the economy, stocks, and hard financial times, and then about how if we give of ourselves even when we struggle, our cups will be overflowing...and I believe it! I've seen the way He takes care of us through others who have been financially blessed more than me, and I'd like also to be able to help the way I've been.

#5. I want to write a book. I blogged a little back in college, and when I have time, I really enjoy it. I have a pretty weird sense of humor, but some people find it quite amusing, so if I could somehow write a book that appeals to those people I would absolutely love it! The question is, what in the world would I write about? I could write about my life, or politics, but what I really like is creative writing. Stories that are believable up until a point where they become extreme and make people stop and say "what??" Sometimes I can be very random, so maybe someday I'll write one. Or I might just hitch-hike to Minnesota. Either way it'll be the greatest experience of my life.

#6. I have way too many pet peeves. I used to solely blog about this topic, listing every strange thing that gets my blood rising...such as watching a widescreen DVD on a normal TV or watching a movie in closed caption with no deaf people in the room. Or when women sing tenor (a MAN'S part). Or when someone asks you a question that goes something like "Hey, have you ever..." (fill in the blank with whatever you've heard recently) and you say "no." Then they act like that is the worst thing they've ever heard, and they are completely shocked that you've never heard of or done or said whatever it was they asked you about. "WHAT?!?! You've NEVER drank coke-a-cola out of a glass harmonica before...EVER?!?!" So annoying. Or forwards that say "If you don't forward this to at least 73,865 people in the next 3 seconds you'll be single forever, your car will catch fire, your dog will jump to his death from a skyscraper, and a jet engine will fall from the sky through your roof tonight. And you'll get rabies.

#7. Somehow my wife manages to put up with my crazy antics. I'll be the first to admit that I am far from normal. And if you know me very well, then you are probably smiling and saying to yourself, "that's right, he is crazy!" I am always joking with people...some get it, some don't...well, I should say a lot don't get it. But they still laugh, and most likely just laughing to act like they got it so as not to hurt my very sensitive feelings. Not too sure how anyone could stand to be married to me, cuz I know I couldn't stand it! But she loves me for who I am, so I am very blessed! You gotta admit, though, we made a really cute baby...(which people still find absolutely amazing that something so awesome could come from someone so strange!)

I'm finished...there are my 7. Not necessarily the ones I would have chosen (without the political challenge), but hopefully that lets you in on a side of me not everybody knows of. So now I will pick 7 people at "random"...completely random. Here goes...

Lindsey B

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just words...just speeches...

I'm terribly disappointed in America. Seems we have forgotten the values this nation was founded on. There is so much uncertainty here, so many questions that should have been asked but weren't. Who is this guy? Does anybody really know who this man really is?? Why has he kept so many documents hidden from the public which would reveal his past? WHAT IS HE HIDING?!?!

We will find out. I'm serious, we WILL find out. This is gonna be such a HUGE wakeup call to Americans, and we will find out. I just pray that we don't find out AFTER it is too late. There's gonna be change alright, nobody was arguing that there wouldn't be. The question is, what kind of "change" will he bring? Is there a difference between good change and bad change? We will find out very soon, and America will be brought back together again like we were on Sept. 12th, 2001, when it didn't matter what party you were with. America will realize that the Left will destroy our country from the inside out. It is already happening. And will continue to happen until we see some real "change." God bless our Nation, and please pray like you have never prayed before.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Shrimp 'n Grits

Check out this article!! Awesome analogy...

Shrimp 'n Grits

Income Redistribution - A fulfilling experiment when personally applied!
Lee Walton

Last Thursday while walking to lunch on the corner of Market and East Bay, I passed what appeared to be a homeless man standing on the corner of Wentworth and East Bay holding a hand-made sign that read, “Vote Obama, I need the money.”, I laughed to myself and admired the man for his misplaced, albeit blatant honesty.

Once inside one of my favorite restaurants, I noticed that my waiter was wearing a bright blue ,“Obama 08” tie; again I laughed to myself as he boldly and proudly advertised his political preference for all the world, and his customers, to see -- just imagine the odds of encountering two such 1st Amendment harbingers of change in less than 10-minutes.

When the check finally came I decided not to tip my waiter and explained to him that I was going to implement a practical application of Obama's Redistribution of Wealth concept as my own personal socialistic experiment. He stood there in stoic disbelief as I explained to him that I was going to redistribute his rightfully earned $10 tip to someone who I deemed more in need...a homeless fellow standing a few blocks north in front of the Harris Teeter parking lot. The waiter stammered a few "Why practice on me? I’m just a local college student!" retorts and then angrily stormed away from the table in a steaming huff of progressive self-righteous indignation.
Apparently, after experiencing firsthand the application of such socialistic governance from the perspective of the rightful wage earner, my young liberal-minded waiter was quickly convinced that income redistribution was much easier to support as a noble, magnanimous social policy than when his own hard-earned income was about to be redistributed, against his will, to another I deemed more needy.

I went outside, walked back up to Wentworth, gave the homeless guy a $10 bill, and asked him to walk down to the restaurant on the corner and thank the waiter there who was wearing the “Obama 08” tie as I've decided he could use the money more than my waiter who had actually earned the $10. The homeless fellow smiled in grateful disbelief, tossed his sign in the hedge, and promptly bounded for the liquor store across the street.

At the end of this impromptu and rather unscientific income redistribution experiment I realized the homeless fellow was truly grateful for the money that he had not exerted any effort to earn, but my liberal-minded waiter was highly indignant that I would take from him and then give to another the honest wages that he had worked hard to earn even though the homeless recipient needed the money more.

As I walked back to my office, I began thinking about the heavy burden of corporate ownership and the endless frustration from beating my head against the wall of increasing bureaucracy year-after-year. I also thought of the majority of this year’s hard-earned profits that I had planned to reinvest in a few new employees, annual raises to reward loyalty and hard work, Christmas bonuses for extraordinary effort, and year-end corporate donations to the SC Aquarium, Coastal Conservation League, and the Historic Charleston Foundation.

After reconsidering my apparent politically incorrect capitalistic beliefs, the needs of my hard-working, albeit financially struggling, middle-class staff, and the six-figure salaries of the three non-profits’ directors sitting in the big stately, well-maintained buildings that each called home, I decided then and there to give every last penny of this year’s profit directly to Charleston’s Homeless Shelter, layoff all my staff, close our company, retire early, and depend upon the largesse of Obama’s promised Redistribution of Wealth for my every need!
In that brief instance, I too became a practicing socialist!

Original article found here:

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Church and Political affiliation...are they related??

So I'm having an ongoing political/religious discussion with a college buddy, an I'll go ahead and post the transcript here and take your comments on the subject. Discussion is welcomed!!

I guess you would need to first view this video to understand what got the subject started...

Or view the website here:

Here are His comments in response to the video clip:
interesting video, but off to the right it says that it's non-partisan. i'm not sure what this group's definition of non-partisan appears to be that you just make sure you talk about issues and not candidates. however, all of the issues in the video are highly politically charged partisan issues, so i can't agree at all with "value voters USA" calling this a "non-partisan" video.

roe v. wade passed 35 years ago....almost 36 years ago now i suppose. people (christians) have been trying to overturn it ever since then, to no avail. the harder we have pushed, the harder we have been pushed against. it has become an issue that elects presidents. but in all of our christian political maneuvering, what have we accomplished? votes for candidates based on one issue? we make our stand on single issues so important when there are so many more issues to think about. we push so hard against pro-choice "liberal" voters without considering that they are our neighbor. we spew hateful rhetoric about people without considering how Jesus might have reacted to these situations (or if he would have reacted at all...i.e. "give to caesar what is caesar's"). did Jesus use politics to push against a political machine? did Jesus come in power, or in love? when those who supported him attempted to usurp authority and place him in a position of power so that he could enact change from the top down, what was his reaction? "no thanks" would be putting it mildly...more like "get behind me, satan!" so why do we as christians then make it so important to ourselves to have this power, to make choices for those people that we do not know? is it that we sometimes feel helpless in our ability to reach out to a world that we do not necessarily understand, and so we instead try to reach out to them in the way that appears most valid or easy? perhaps. is it that we feel so strongly about Jesus but not so strongly about our neighbor that we are content to make our christian political stand, building our church on politics rather than building the church on people, the way that Jesus did? maybe. it is scary to get into people's lives that we don't agree with. it is scary to consider someone who has committed what we might consider an atrocious abomination to be our equal, let alone to consider them our brother. but i guarantee that a church that cares more about people than principles will change the world.

i asked a lot of questions in that paragraph. i know the answers to those questions for me, but i don't know the answers to them for you. and the reason i know the answers for me is because i once voted for candidates based on their stances on abortion and gay rights. i'm not saying that everyone that does so is as uninformed as i was, but i will honestly tell you that i was woefully uninformed for someone who believed as strongly about political candidates as i did. but the thing is, can we really believe that in all of our political maneuverings that we are going to overturn roe v. wade? and if we do believe so, then what next? will we have celebrations in the street, that we finally abolished abortion? abortions were common long before roe v. wade was passed. if we overturn roe v. wade, does abortion become a felony? our prison system is already overly crowded. and how does it show love to our neighbor to take away what they perceive as their "rights" and then throw them in jail when they still don't see it our way?

some would consider it "right" to vote to end abortion. i consider it right to help people and care for people in a way that makes abortion not necessary or desirable. i think we can both agree that abortion is a mountain that the faith of christians across the nation wants to move. i am a part of that faith. however, in the minimal wisdom that my short twenty-four years on this earth has garnered me, i cannot see a time when roe v. wade is overturned, regardless of how many of the 60 million evangelicals of our country vote pro-life. therefore, i vote for things that i believe we can change. i vote for candidates who support education more than war. i vote for candidates who believe that economic and social opportunity is something for everyone, not just those whose birth freely dictates that opportunity. education, economics, and healthcare are three of the top indicators for likelihood of a young mother to have an abortion. i support legislation that encourages equality of those three things across america. for me, my faith in Jesus Christ calls me to support these things. the obvious irony of this is that for a majority of christians in america, faith in Jesus Christ calls them to vote a completely different way from the way that my faith calls me to vote.

is it possible for us to be united under one faith and still be politically divided? i sure hope so. because the conclusion that i have settled upon is that only one of the current candidates for president has a desire to try to answer the questions that i have asked. only one of the candidates has a worldview that allows him to understand that most of the issues facing our world are MUCH more complicated than simply voting yes or no to legislation without reading and understanding the full implications of the bill.

regardless of where we stand politically, the person holding the opposite view (or standing in the varying shades of gray between) is not the enemy. the inaction and counteraction caused by years of worrying more about party lines than productivity is the enemy. demonization and hatred based on differences of opinion is the enemy. when we believe that our neighbor is the enemy, we cripple our country, we cripple our faith, we cripple ourselves.

i apologize if you were not wanting to get a response (much less a response of this magnitude) to a simple mass e-mail. however, i believe that both sides of the argument need to be expressed. also, i have just as much to say (if not more) on the issue of homosexual marriage, but considering the bulk of the video you sent me had to do with abortion, i chose that as the topic. if you are interested in talking about the other side of the story on gay rights, let me know. (section deleted due to personal nature)

grace, peace, love.
So here's my response to him:

Hey man, haven't talked to you in forever! Hope you don't mind a little political discussion in regard to your post, I guess if you did mind you wouldn't have posted, right? After reading your note, in some ways I can really see where you're coming from, but in other ways I'm completely lost, so hopefully you can expand on a few of your points for me, and I'll attempt to put my perspective out there as well.

I guess I'll start out by saying that I think you're right about the video...definitely partisan! Anytime you see something that says "non-partisan" in my experience hasn't really ever been truly neutral, but leaning one way or the other to some extent.

As far as voting is concerned, I don't know anyone who votes based solely on one issue. Sure, some issues may carry more weight than others, so you have to consider "trade-offs" if you will. For instance, you couldn't possibly agree with Obama on 100% of the issues, right? I am voting for McCain, but that doesn't mean I agree with him on everything. One of my biggest concerns is who will lead this country to a more Christian Nation than it is now? Who has more Christian values? I hope you watched the Saddleback Interviews with each candidate, because it was very insightful into some of the basic Christian beliefs of each candidate. Obama couldn't even say when life begins, most likely for fear of losing some of his liberal base. Who knows if he's ever said when life far as we know, the answer to that is "above his paygrade." Where is the fortitude there of standing up for what you believe in? Still waiting to see that side of him. The way I see it there are only 2 ways of knowing what he truly stands for: 1) Looking at his past voting record (or lack thereof in the state senate); and 2) Elect him into office and pray that all my hunches about him are wrong.

As far as "giving to caesar what is caesar's," let's not forget who comes first in the equation...First fruits go to God, cheerfully. So compare "cheerful giving" on both sides of the equation. Published income tax returns tell us that giving to "Charity" has been not so important on the Obama/Bidden ticket, whereas Charitable contributions have always been a rather large percentage in the McCain family. You could say, "well, the McCains are wealthy, so they have more to give," but that's why I say look at percentage. So when you talk about helping people, I completely is our responsibility to help, care for the needy, the helpless. It is OUR responsibility, not the government. If you've ever had a chance to deal with church benevolence, then I'm sure you know that sometimes giving money is not always the best help hurting people can get...however, if it's only money they want, then sometimes you have to turn it down. You'll find that most people don't really want help: They want MONEY!! They want a free handout, from someone who makes more than them. I know what you're thinking, not everybody wants a free handout...true, not 100%, but definitely a large percentage of the underprivileged population do. That is exactly what Obama wants to do, by "spreading the wealth around" (The basic definition of Socialism), to give other people the same "opportunity." Opportunity comes from motivation, not money. Look at successful immigrants who have come here legally with nothing and have opened up and run successful happens all the time! So what makes the difference in opportunity...was it money?? Or was it motivation? I would say some have the desire, drive and the work ethic to be successful in the business, while others complain about not having the same opportunity because of the lack of money. So, should we help poor people? Absolutely: The question is how. Sometimes giving money is appropriate...but not always! Helping people get jobs, or go to school, become an apprentice in some trade, or get counseling or rehab to deal with problems...these are all ways that we can use money (or time) to help people, without leaving them the temptation of spending this handout on whatever materialistic objects or bad habits they may have.

I would like you to think about the statement you made about "building our church on politics rather than building the church on people." I think our church is built on the principles of Christianity, based on the New-Testament, and helping people is a big part of that. Now, if we compare the 2 main political parties, we would have to go down the line, issue by issue, and decide which party is most aligned with the basic principles of Christianity. So in a lot of cases, I think you find that the church, more often than not, affiliates itself with the GOP, like I said, based on the principles. We do both agree that the Poor need to be taken care of; where we disagree is who takes care of them. I would say the first is we as individuals, and also the church.

As far as someone's perceived "right" to have an abortion, why not consider it from a different perspective...what about a baby's "right" to live? Who gives anyone this authority or "right" to declare that another human life is not worthy to be born into this world? Yes, in a perfect world, it would be nice if we could get to a point where we don't even need to have a law that abolishes abortion, because abortion would be "not necessary or desirable." Now, let's get back to reality here, people will always make "mistakes" and no matter how hard we try to stop it, there will always be "unwanted pregnancies." The question is, what is the "right" thing to do with the living human being. Obama says that he wouldn't ever want his daughters "punished" with a baby if they made such a mistake. Yes, we should love and take care of that young mother...but 2 wrongs don't make a right! You don't solve the problem by letting them "choose" if they want to kill a human life or not, which is exactly what the democratic party stands for!! So if you're going to talk about caring for people, then you have to say that the democratic party would sacrifice one human life for another in order to "care" for the mother (if she so "chooses"). If our body is a holy temple, a LIVING sacrifice, how is supporting a woman's right to choose in line with God's word that every human life is made in His image to love and serve Him? You talk about equal opportunities for people...aborted babies don't get an equal opportunity. OBAMA SUPPORTS ABORTION! Once again, that isn't the only issue here, but it is a big one. Liberals could care less that a human life is being killed, so long as we have "rights." However, as Christians, we should help both the mother AND baby in all circumstances.

I want you to know that I appreciate you, and always have, and I hope I have not been offensive in stating my experiences. You are not my enemy, but satan is, so we must use the Bible as our sword and guide in all things, INCLUDING politics. I am grateful that you shared your opinions, and hope you will respond. Please excuse typo's, it's been a long day!! =) Have a great one!

What are your thoughts? This discussion is currently ongoing, will post further results.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Funny how people are so brainwashed that they don't even think for themselves this satirical clip of a reporter (fake) feeding misinformation (both sides) to Obama supporters, to see if it would sway their vote at all...the ignorance in this video may completely shock you...

I'm not telling anyone who to vote for...but don't just vote for someone because everyone else is, or its the "cool" thing to do, without actually knowing the issues, and what you agree/disagree with. I'll be straight up, I don't agree 100% with the decisions McCain has made, but I can guarantee that he will take our country in a much better direction based on his stances than his competitor will. I love capitalism. I love the idea that anyone can become a self-made millionaire if they work hard enough. Why take his money away from him to give it to some crackhead who will never become a beneficial member of society?

New poll: Should people have to pass a drug test in order to qualify for welfare??

I have to pass one to keep my job. And I actually WORK. Wow.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

So much to say/ little time...

Have you ever felt this way?? There are so many things you want to accomplish, but something always gets in the way, whether it be a planned or unplanned event that comes up, there's always something! Wow, these past few weeks have been pretty stressful because I'm finally in the midst of my flight training, with about 5 months to go. Everyone always asks how much fun it is, and it really is fun, but there is always a negative side to "training." You know what I'm talking about. Anytime you start a new job--training. Training is never all that fun. Training is the hard part. Training is that point where you feel like a big idiot because you have no clue what you are doing, and the instructor makes you feel like you should know so much more by now. I know many people who have quit at that point, not feeling adequate enough to finish, but it is at that point where the men and the boys are separated, so to speak. Sometimes you have to suck it up and do that which you don't want to do, so that eventually you can begin having fun doing it. And that's where I currently stand...right in the midst of training (by "midst" I actually mean beginning).

Yes, it is fun...the most fun I've ever had! But you have to understand that instructors sometimes know how to ruin a good thing, by pointing out every minor discrepancy in your performance, ESPECIALLY when you think you've almost got it. Thus is life--there is always going to be somebody who knows more than you, or who knows how to do it better than you, so just take their advice and be thankful that they are "offering" it!!

I say all this to point out that I've been rather busy lately, and in turn, haven't kept up with my blog and/or politics as much as I have been. Plus, my talk radio station somehow got taken over or something (probably by the liberals) and got turned into a country station...can you believe that??? Nothing makes me more upset, than my favorite radio station being turned into COUNTRY!! offense to all you honky-tonk badonkadonks out there, it's just not for me! =)

A new news/talk station did appear out of the blue, thankfully, but with different commentators, or some of the same ones at different times than I'm used to. It's like getting off of a plane from china and having jet lag, not knowing what time it is or just being all turned around. So strange. But I have seen a few things that make me happy, and a few not so happy...

Time for a round of Good news/Bad news...

Good news:
I was a little upset that I couldn't watch the VP debate Thursday night (It was on past my bedtime), but was happily surprised when I finally did get to see it on Friday. Sarah Palin was AWESOME!! And with no teleprompter! She had some really good points, ones that Biden couldn't answer. And while we're on the topic of Biden, can someone please explain why you would go on national TV in this manner and LIE to the American People?? I'm not talking about just a few lies, either...he lied 14 TIMES (in what, like an hour??)...that tells me a lot about what the "Obama Administration" has in store for us...scary. But Sarah Palin tore it up, and boy, was I impressed! Now let's take a look at what actually led to me being plesantly "surprised." I had seen the 2 "interviews" (if you can call them that) that were played on TV from Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric. I was dissappointed with her performance in both, but I didn't just leave it at that, I had to ask myself "why" can such a successful woman like her become Gov. of a state and not be able to conduct an interview? Here's what I found out. This is the result of some serious, SERIOUS editing. I hate the fact that the "interviews" in their entirety weren't aired. Instead, ABC got to pick and choose what clips they wanted us Americans to see. Why didn't the McCain camp. insist that they post the entire session, is my question.

If you noticed from the Obama/O'Reilly interview, the ENTIRE INTERVIEW was aired, that's right, the whole thing. Funny how that news actually was "fair and balanced" by showing America what ACTUALLY WAS SAID in the interview, instead of just picking out the worst parts of the interview. Of course, in reality, the entire interview was terrible for Obama, so I guess, in that regard, Fox News DIDN'T HAVE TO edit anything! haha!!

How about some Bad news:
House Rep. Barney Frank came on Bill O'Reilly to "defend" his honor about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but all he successfully accomplished was looking like an idiot (of course Bill did, too, but I think I might react the same way to somebody who wouldn't take responsibility for their actions). Listen to the exchange...

See what I mean?? Here's the bad news...Frank tried to act like he told people NOT to invest in his little govt' project, when in reality he basically said that they weren't the "best" investment, but there was no way they were going under, and that the future for these banks was "solid"...oh really, sir, and exactly how "solid" are they now? And yes, they did go under, so just admit that you're a big idiot and you made a huge "huge" I mean a $700 Billion mistake...and you thought spending $20 Billion a month in Iraq was outrageous! Why is he still allowed to have a job? The left is ruining this country to a point where eventually we'll turn into a socialist, liberal mess, and Barney Frank is living proof of this. Hey, thanks for spending our money wisely, Mr. Frank, your tax-payers appreciate you...we didn't really need it, anyway.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Iraq...leave or stay??

Not sure if everyone has heard this yet (because the leftist media doesn't care enough about this country to tell us when their anointed candidate messes up) apparently Obama met with the Iraqi Foreign Minister back in July, and this is what he was preaching to Americans (mostly democrats)...his policy of Iraq was that we were losing, Bush is an idiot for going to war, and he will "CHANGE" Washington by withdrawing the troops from Iraq, and "bring our boys home." So, when he won his primary, that was his stance...Immediate withdrawal. But, not too long later, it became a "phased withdrawal" done in a 16 month time period. So this brings us to July, when he actually went to Iraq to talk with their leaders. Now, what exactly do you think he talked with them about? You would think "bring[ing] our boys home," right? ERRRRRRRRR...Wrong...he actually told them to DELAY sending troops home. Can you believe that?? So his campaign fights back with this article stating these claims are false. Read it here, then come back.

Ok, you back yet? Did you notice this quote about halfway down the article?
But Obama's national security spokeswoman Wendy Morigi said Taheri's article bore "as much resemblance to the truth as a McCain campaign commercial."

In fact, Obama had told the Iraqis that they should not rush through a "Strategic Framework Agreement" governing the future of US forces until after President George W. Bush leaves office, she said.


Can you believe this guy? Preaching out of one side of his mouth bring 'em home, then out of the other side spewing the complete opposite, leave 'em there until I get in office, so I can bring 'em home (in 16 months...or whenever I change my mind again), so long as Bush doesn't get the credit for doing something I WANTED TO DO (at one point or another in my campaign)!! What an idiot...if he really cared about my buddies overseas, he would want them to be out of harms way NO MATTER WHO gives the order...every day I hate this guy more and more. He is a danger to our Country, our Military, and our Freedoms.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Let's here from an "unbiased" individual...

If anything, you might think of Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) and 2008 Democratic Party Presidential Candidate as being an individual with a bias toward the left. Well, most of his views are pretty far to the left. However, he as since left the Democratic Party and is now abiding with Libertarians, finally seeing the flaws with his former party. When asked to be interviewed on a leftist talkshow, he agreed, but his answers to the questions left the show-hosts quite shocked...listen for yourself at his DEFENSE of Sarah Palin...

Go 4 a swim??

So today has been an interesting day, so far. I'm all by my lonesome, but not bored, simply because there is so much going on that needs to be done. First of all, the pool guys installed the liner yesterday and started running the water around noon or so. And it ran all afternoon...and all evening...and all night...and all this morning...and it is STILL not full. Probably by either this evening, or in the middle of the night it'll be full. I am a little nervous, though, because I can't wait to see just how many gallons it took to fill it up. There is just no telling how high the water bill is gonna be this month!! I'm gonna have to ask the city if they have a payment plan for the water bill! haha! But seriously, that's gonna stink hardcore.

Oh well, because there are happier things in life to focus, wow, look at the cool new pool liner, or look at the cool new POOL!! check it out...I have not been "thankful" for this hot, hot, hot weather here in Lower Alabama, until now...cuz I wanna go SWIMMING!!! =) Hopefully it stays hot (never thought I'd ever say that) just a little bit longer, so we can enjoy the water before we sell the house.

I still can't find the camera charger (grrrrr) so I'll have to take pics with my phone...but I don't enjoy the luxury of having an iPhone (hahaha), so please hold all your comments about the poor quality of my photos until...indefinitely...enjoy!

Come on over!! Well, once we get the pump and filter working (hopefully by Sunday!!)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

"We will never forget..."

...Or will we?? Today is the 7th Anniversary of that Tragic day in American history, a day that some have tried to forget, and many HAVE forgotten. But how could they? What were you doing that day?? I'm sure you remember, we all do. What unity our country exhibited from 9/11/2001 for about, what, 6 months?? Maybe one year? It seemed that for once in a very long time, we really were The United States of America, not just some country with a bunch of individual states, doing there own thing, caring not for what happens elsewhere. But we MUST remember what is going on here...

Islamic Terrorist...that's what. You see, we live in a country where it's ok to worship your God in peace, so long as you don't force your views on anyone. Our country was founded on certain principles, such as "Freedom" and having "Rights" to various civil liberties. We are at war with many Islamic organizations...Al Qaeda, The Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, as well as different countries who support Terrorism. Liberals who only care about peace and bringing our troops home know NOTHING about what it means to fight for freedom. Sure, they enjoy their right to free speach, their right to protest, their "right" to sue religious organizations or the government when their so called "Separation of Church and State" is violated...well, enjoy it while you can. How long can we live in this Blessed Nation and sit here while it goes down the toilet? But do Liberals fight? Consider this...I'm convinced that on the path we are taking, the Left will eventually convince enough idiots to support their causes...their "noble" causes of fighting for women's rights (by opposing any group who hates abortion), fighting for gay rights (and exposing innocent children to the "alternative" lifestyle), fighting for "affordable" healthcare for every American (by making the successful Americans pay extra taxes, then giving Illegal Aliens green cards and drivers licenses so they can be considered "citizens"), fighting for a politically correct world (by offending or silencing any group who doesn't agree with their outrageous secular lifestyles).

If we let this irrational thinking take hold of our country, we would most certainly end up turning into a 3rd world nation. 9-11 would just be a joke people would tell to their grandchildren, about when the world freaked out because only 2 buildings collapsed in one day...

This is not the world I wanna live in. I remember those innocent lives which were taken. I wanted to defend and honor those who gave their lives for our country: Not only for 9-11, but all throughout history. I was a "fish" (freshman) in the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M University at the time. I remember an upperclassman walking up and down the hall saying someone had set off a bomb in New York City, and if any of us wanted to, we could watch the news in his room (which was a big deal, because underclassmen were not allowed to have TVs). I was shocked to see that this happened in the USA, because for 18 years I had thought I was safe. Here is how the Aggies responded, by wearing Red White and Blue shirts at the next football game (and you might think they were passed out, but in reality they were purchased, and the money went to helping the victims).

Unless you have superman vision, there's no way you could see it, but I am actually in the "S" on the field...that was a very powerful moment in my life.

I realized then that nobody was safe anymore, unless we did something about it. So, I went down to the recruiting station and signed up. Here it is, 7 years later, and I have never been deployed...but that's not to say that I haven't wanted to. As soon as I get the opportunity, I am volunteering for the next plane outta here...across the lake and into the giant sandbox. Quite often I am thanked by random people who either see me in uniform, or just know somehow, and it's all I can do to keep from blowing up inside. Not because I'm angry, but because I haven't done anything yet. Seems like I've been in training indefinitely, but when I'm finally done, I'm outta here. When people say "thank you," most of the time I reply by thanking them for the support and telling them how much it means to me, but letting them know that I haven't done my part YET. It's coming, Taliban...oh it's coming Mr. Islamic Terror Jihadist...I hope you're ready to look outside your cave window and see this staring back at ya...don't blink, or you might miss the fireworks!!

Burned some fuel today, and boy did it smell good! Gotta love the smell of Jet-A in the mornin'!! If you need some interesting reading about the different views of McCain and Obama against our War on Terror, you can read about it here.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Too much going on to be silent...

I'm sorry, but I realize that maybe I should be limited to 1 post per day...right? Well, if I didn't do so much research and find interesting things that I feel my readers can't live without, then maybe I would limit myself a little more (maybe by wearing gloves...which would really limit my typing ability...)

So, I was reading this article about how Obama slipped up and said he was Muslim today, and one guy (who is obviously conservative) posted this very interesting (and long) comment bashing the liberals of our country for their socialist/marxist philosophies. Check it out...

By: bsmdbt

"The Democrats are in a tizzy over 4000 war dead after 5 years. Their constant call for surrender has been astounding, aided by a complicite media to hide the truth about success and WMD found. What has been more astounding is that almost 2500 US Soldier died at the ONE attack on Pearl Harbor in one morning. Over twenty thousand died in two days at Iwo Jima. If todays DEMOCRATS, aka LIBERALS, had been in charge back then we would have surrendered unconditionally to the Japanese. But rather, because Americans never quit, and are amongst the hardest fighters in the world, driven by our liberty, we delivered crushing blows to the Japanese and the Germans on two different fronts. Do the democrats think we are hopelessly fighting a bunch of rag tag terrorists who hide in caves, and we cant win? Do democrats believe terrorists should be a civil police action? The same critical flawed response we had to terrorists in the do-nothing Madeline Albright/Bill Clinton years that lead to 9-11-01? Todays democrats, have urinated on our war dead (past and present), it is astounding the treasonous acts democrats, who abuse the freedoms our veterans selflessly fought to defend, are allowed to talk down our sons and daughters valiant efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have never lost a single battle, yet the Senator Harry Reid called the war all but lost. And John Murtha falsely declared our US Marines murderors, courts found differently, but who will give these men back their reputations? Democrats MUST pay a heavy price for their treason and swooning anti-american sentiments. We arent in turmoil because of GW Bush. We are in turmoil because terrorists attacked us, and democrats clearly express they think we deserved that attack. Democrats are traitors. The party has been infiltrated by socialists and marxists, the very ideologies my father and maybe your fathers, uncles and grandfathers spilled their blood against during WW2. Only 6 decades later ideologies of our national enemies have been voted into office by ignorance. You heard Obama say "seize the profits of oil companies", since when does the US Government have the authority to seize the profits of any privately owned company? That is marxism by definition, if they can seize their profits , they can seize yours...besides the American dream says you can start with nothing, and build a business to the "skys the limit", limited by your own imagination. Apparently the democrats feel, that becoming a millionaire or billionaire is too much American dream? How marxist of them, considering they are all millionaires or better. The democrat politician are on record as being the largest bunch who put America LAST, and Blame America First for the worlds woes. They have willing support of the main stream media. Free people can never be lead by socialists, marxists, or communists. America should never pursue any UN solution, as the US is the ONLY FREE NATION in the WORLD."

September 7, 2008 at 9:48 p.m.

I dunno if anyone knows who Michael Savage is, but he is a conservative National Radio Talk Show host from San Fransisco, and he had this to say about Barrack Hussein Obama's Slip up...

Sometimes I wonder...

Sometimes I wonder why we are given so many freedoms in our country. We can (thankfully) worship God if we want to, or whatever person/object feels important to us. But take a look at this video and tell me if maybe...just maybe...we are a little TOO free...

As long as I am allowed to worship without fear, I'm happy...but should we be doing something about this? I don't even know!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

News Flash...I don't have a Uterus!!

I've been having a really interesting facebook conversation with a girl I was friends with back in the 7th grade...we'll call her "Melanie" for tax purposes. Anyway, I'd like to preface this post by saying that I think facebook is a really awesome application that allows people to reconnect with former classmates, family, and even current coworkers or people having similar hobbies. You can join and create groups who support/oppose different people/things, and you can post pictures. You can also let everyone on your "friends list" know what fun and exciting things you are currently taking on today. This brings me to the status check that I looked at yesterday.

When I clicked on it, I noticed that several people were glad it was Friday, somebody was proud of her child for doing some random-interesting thing, but others were talking about world issues/politics. These posts generally pique my curiosity, and grant me the opportunity to research which side of the equation they are on, what their religious views are, where they work, and what topics interest them. I enjoy these types of status updates because generally I post political updates...such as "Rocky is excited to have Palin on the GOP ticket" and the like. However, we must all get one thing straight: The moment you post something political on a basically "public" site like facebook, you open yourself up for comments/debates/criticism. That's just how it is, and if you don't like it, then you should probably keep opinions to yourself, am I wrong?? So here's the particular update that got my blood racing a little bit warmer than it had been:

"Status: Melanie wonders how people would have reacted if Obama had a 17-year-old, unwed, knocked up daughter...probably not with a standing ovation... 1:26pm"

Hmmm, I thought, you are absolutely right...but because you are absolutely wrong!! Here was my reply:

Rocky at 2:56pm September 4

"That would never happen because Obama said he would never "punish" one of his daughters by allowing them to have a baby...they would just kill it. So, instead he would receive a standing ovation from his Planned Parenthood and MOVEON supporters."

Am I wrong?? Obama has always been Pro-abortion, and he did tell America when defending his position that one of his daughters becoming pregnant would be "punish [ment]." So, in reality, unless abortion was considered Unconstitutional, neither daughter would ever have a baby out of wed-lock, unless they rebelled against their father's will and decided to keep it. And, so, if they DID have an abortion, Planned Parenthood and would be in an excited uproar, and would most assuredly have given him a standing ovation. So she comes back with this:

Melanie at 7:29am September 5

"i highly doubt the reaction would be the same...instead i am sure the right wingers would be speaking out against poor family values and underage drinking...and then they would probably accuse her of having the baby to try and get free welfare" which I replied...

Rocky at 9:20am September 5

"1. Poor family values is not the same as going against your family values...which every 17 year old does, except in the case that the family had or taught no said values, in which case the kids just do whatever they want with little or no consequences (hence providing condoms and abortions). 2. Who every said anything about underage drinking? I never remember that being part of any equation. 3. I already stated my case for why she wouldn't "have" the baby...Mr. and Mrs. Obama have both stated they would push for an abortion for either of their daughters, so that is a non-issue. 4. Who need welfare when you can have a terrorist help you pay for a $1.65 million house that you can't necessarily afford yet. 5. With the success of his 2 books, and his wife's almost doubled salary at the hospital, doesn't that put them in the top tax bracket, meaning they are paying for free welfare checks instead of receiving them? I would like to know why you think he would be a good president..."

Melanie at 11:30am September 5

"1.) I never said Obama would be a good president. I am just merely commenting on the fact that the Republican party would NOT have the same reaction to an unwed, African-American, underage female being pregnant. I was actually impressed with McCain's candidacy until he picked Palin because I agree with him on some issues. I actually lean toward a more Libertarian viewpoint with a more liberal social view. 2) I am definitely pro-choice, and until you have a uterus I am not even going to discuss that issue with you anymore. 3) The underage drinking refers to to the pictures of Bristol on facebook at parties consuming alcohol. Since she is 17 and not 21, she is underage. I am not saying that underage drinking doesn't happen, cause I know I definitely broke the law on that one many times, I am just saying that if it was Obama's child instead, I am sure the Republicans would have mentioned it. 4) What's wrong with condoms?"

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it right there...that's where I kinda drew the line. News flash...I don't have a uterus?? Oh, right, I don't. So because you do, and I don't, I don't have a right to voice my opinion on a matter of Human Rights? I'm not really following the logic here...I mean, I guess I can kinda see how technically I don't have a say-so in the issue because my body cannot physically develop a baby...but I don't have a right to be heard "until [I] have a uterus"??? Hmmm...guess that means I also can't be for fighting against breast cancer. But how about it ok for me to be Pro saving babies? Saving Human Lives? You are anti-war because it kills human lives, but you've probably never held a gun in your've never had to see the greater good of protecting your nation and freedom while your best friend bleeds to've never experienced the joy of freeing a nation who has been under the tyranny of a genocidal dictator for years and now knows what it's like to give women an education or a driver's license...yet you think you have the right to voice your opinion on the issue. By your same standards, until you enlist in the service, "I am not even going to discuss that issue with you anymore."

So I started writing...and writing...and writing...

Rocky at 3:39pm September 5

"I hope you are serious about enjoying political conversations, because I am as well...and you kind of open yourself up for debate when you publically post a comment like that, right? I really hope you don't feel that I'm attacking you, because I'm not trying to, I'm just trying to hear your side because you are right, I don't have a uterus, so obviously I don't speak for you. However, I do represent all the important women in my life (who DO happen to have a "uterus") like my wife, my mom, and my precious daughter, who, every time I stare into her eyes and see her smile, makes me wonder how or why someone would abort such a precious life...but obviously this issue is debated greatly in our society, with many different views/interpretations. I don't know what your background is...what experiences you've had in your life, but I strongly believe that every life created deserves a right to live."

Rocky at 3:49pm September 5

"I see that you are an environmentalist. I, too, care about our environment, and see pollution as a big problem, so I respect what your profile says about your job. But like I said, I also believe that every human has matter how big or small, young or old. Why is it that a mother can kill her son/daughter up to a certain age, then at a certain point it becomes illegal? I understand that some women face challenging circumstances that arise, and that sometimes it isn't their fault that they are pregnant. But I know women who have been in that situation and KEPT the baby, and have been very blessed by this most unfortunate event. I'm not exactly sure what the religion of "karma" believes in, but I'm pretty sure, from what I understand, that if one did abort a baby, that couldn't be good for her "karma"!"

Rocky at 3:54pm September 5

"The reason I brought up your job is because you state that your job is "to protect our state's human and natural resources," and in my opinion, Texas babies are both "human" and "natural" resources. So I don't understand why you don't want to protect them."

Facebook only allows a certain amount of characters for each comment, so I had to use 3 separate posts to say what I wanted to. I decided to stop there, even though I hadn't addressed her 2 or 3 other comments, but I wanted to see what she would come back with first. It is now Saturday, September 6th, 1:00PM, and she still has not replied. Usually she is much faster than that. Maybe she LITERALLY mean she wasn't going to discuss that because I DON'T HAVE A UTERUS!!! That's just sad, because I was really enjoying myself (and I thought you were, too)! Hope this blog finds you in good spirits! And remember, every life is precious in God's sight.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

which path will you choose??

So I came across a pretty awesome analogy this evening that I just had to post before I forget about it. I was doing research about the difference in taxation policies from both candidates, and ran across an interesting perspective. I realize that this doesn't apply 100% of the time, to every person, every situation, but it does say a lot.

"Two Kids: One gets all A's. The other gets all D's.
If the kid with the A's gives the kid with the D's some of their A's, then both will have all C's.
Nevermind the fact that the A student worked hard to earn their grades.
Just consider the fact that the D student wants what the A student has.
Eventually, the A student will have no incentive to work hard, and the D student will never have to."

This actually makes me challenge my perspective on societal classes. On the one hand, I live by the commandment of Loving one another above ourselves, and helping the helpless. But where do you draw the line? What is the difference between "poor" and "helpless?" I think there is a difference. I think that people sometimes lump all the lower class of society together, when in actuality, there are probably several classes, as well as classes within classes. What does "needy" mean to you? It could mean someone who is struggling, working hard, but just not able to make it in their current state. Maybe they are reaching out for help, and may or may not find it. In this case, I say the church, or we as blessed individuals and families, have a responsibility to step in and rescue with love. Now how about this definition for "needy": One who has been given things their entire life and doesn't know how to work hard. Or, worse, one who is ABLE to work, but doesn't because they EXPECT a free hand-out. One who refuses to work, or finds some sort of loophole in the law, or lies about an ailment to collect a check. I struggle with these issues, because I have always been taught to give a man a fishing pole, and teach him to fish, so that by helping him he can then help himself, as opposed to laboring, fishing all day long, and giving the man fish daily...indefinitely. I feel good when I labor and come home being able to support my family with the talents God has blessed me with. How can you feel like you have any self worth when cheating the govt out of a welfare check? Doesn't make any sense to me, probably because I've never been given a handout. I can imagine, though, I would hate to lose it if I had one all of my life and was suddenly told I had to work. Hence the millions of lower class citizens voting for Obama. Just my opinion, I could be wrong. Let me know! See ya.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Over-worked, under-paid...

So as most of you know, 2 weeks ago Lindsey's family came to see Laney (not us). Little did they know, we would soon be putting them to work (muwhahaha!!!) After much discussion on what to do about our housing mess we were in, it was ultimately decided that the house lacked some major "curb appeal." So, I offer a solution: work for the night is coming! (Anybody remember that song??) Our good friend B.R. used to lead that song growing up, and it's message holds until you're about to collapse, 'till it's finished, 'till you can be proud of what you accomplished! And boy, did we ever! With the help of the family, and this bald slave-driver, we were finished with our landscaping in 3 days. On the 4th day, we rested...but we should have been working. I wanted to be lazy, though! Jeff's back was killing him, and I was having nightmares about weeds sprouting up through my mattress, engulfing me and Lindsey with the weed killer just out of arms reach...then I woke up.

So I'll go ahead and post a few before and after pics of all the hard labor which occurred during the extreme heat of an L.A. summer (Lower Alabama). Here is the front corner, which had been taken over with ants and weeds. Quite an amazing recovery it made.
Here's a side view of the front yard

Next to the side door.

Our beautiful pond...

And behind the pool

So you see, we've been very hard at work. I just want to take this opportunity to thank all my hard workers and to let my viewers know, I checked on each and every worker's citizenship status, and it turns out they were all here in the US legally. And the children worked because they wanted to, not because they were forced.

Friday, August 29, 2008

"Just Words...Just Speeches..."

So, I still haven't found the camera charger...grrrr. Do I really have to buy a new one? Man I wish I could find it. Anyway, we had a very interesting night yesterday that I feel compelled to tell you about. I'll go ahead and preface my rant with a warning...

WARNING: If you do not like politics, political lingo, party-talk, or conservative values, feel free to skip this blog and come back another time. Adios! =)

Ok, now for those of you who have chosen to partake in this epic journey of choosing the right president for our nation in 2008, I commend you. What I write is not meant to be offensive to anyone, I will simply jot down my thoughts, and you can decide for yourself if you agree or disagree.

Last night I was sitting at home, about to enjoy a nice quiet evening of killing spetznas terrorists online in Call of Duty 4 for XBox 360. It had been a long day (about 2 hours of class from 12:30 till 2:30, well maybe 2:15). So I was stressed out and wanted to release said anxiety on some 10 year old kids who play way too many video games. (We call it pwning noob haxors). I always turn on Sean Hannity's radio program in the afternoon, who gets me all pumped up to take on terrorism in a big way. I caught him talking about the coloseum throne where the "anointed one" was said to be descending later on that night, to give an acceptance speech to all the sheeple at the rock concert. I then decided it was time to call up my buddy (who has cable) and find out if they had plans to watch the messiah. Turns out they didn't plan on it, but who could resist such a grand self-invitation from a major cool family like us. So we watered our camels, wrapped the baby, and prepared for this long expedition to Athens (and yes, our camels can swim).

Upon arrival, Bill O'Reilly greeted us by giving us a glimpse at what Obama was going to focus on. More importantly, he told us what Obama WOULD NOT be speaking about. I will start out by saying that I thoroughly enjoyed the speech. It made for a very entertaining evening, sparking (fueling) all kinds of heated political converstation. His delivery was pretty good, but I don't think as good as some of his past speeches. For the first 20 minutes or so, he had a very captive audience present. Most smiling, many crying like the brady bunch girls watching a partridge family concert, or nowadays like how my little sister-in-law would probably react at a jonas brothers concert. Point is, the sheeple wanted to see God in human form, not knowing that He already came 2000 years ago. Most likely because either they are so far left that they have no religion and/or are athiestic/agnostic, or they have conformed with some extreme version of a religion (such as black liberation theology, or a break away catholic anything goes religion like polosi). So, for lack of a better comparison, all of Gomorrah came to choose their new leader.

First of all, I absolutely hated the fact that it took 10 minutes from the time he got up onto his throne, until the time he actually started the first words of his speech. For about the first 5 minutes there was applause, and we heard his pride and arrogance as he said "Thank you, thank you. Thanks. Thanks. Thank you, thanks. Thanks. Thank you..." and so on. Then, you started to hear it in his voice, the frustration began to set in. He had had enough of the maniacal clapping, the screaming, the crying, the sacrificing of animals (jk)...he was ready to get on with it. After repeating his first 3 or 4 words followed by more thanks about 5 times, he was finally able to begin.

There were several aspects of the speech that offended me. I would consider myself to be a true American Patriot by definition...I'm proud of my country and am prepared to do anything to defend her and her interests. I do believe that we live in the greatest nation on earth, and love our freedoms. True, we are not free to do "whatever we want," but we are safely free to do much more than any other country. I say safely because I believe that for our own national security, certain "freedoms" must be given up for self preservations (such as tapping phones and screening emails). If you have a problem with getting your phone tapped or your emails being read, then I would dare to ask the question what are you hiding? These measures are taken to secure ourselves from the enemy within, outsiders who lurk within our borders, our universities, our communities, who are the wolves in sheep's clothing. Some may seem like they have good intentions, but you never can really tell, can you? Now onto the offensive part.

I absolutely hate the fact that Barry thinks he can talk for me. I don't know you, and you most certainly don't know me, so don't act like you do. I guess he figures that because he has voted on bills pertaining to soldiers and veterans, he basically knows what it means to be a soldier, and what it means to be a veteran, and what it's like being the wife, daughter, son, mother, and father of a soldier (or I guess husband in a few cases). He actually thinks he speaks for me and my family when he talks about foreign policy...when he talks about putting people in harms way...when he talks about what families are going through when their soldier is deployed. Let me tell you MY experience. I enlisted right after 9-11, because I wanted to make sure that an attack like this would never happen again on our soil. The middle east is a very dangerous area, we all know that. Locals do not feel safe walking in the streets because they never know which extremist group is going to set off a roadside bomb or a suicide bomb. They never know who is going to pull out an ak-47 from under his/her robe and start spraying in a public marketplace. They don't know why a father would send his 6 year old boy walking toward them with a live grenade. We all understand that this madness is the norm for some countries, but NOT the United States. Yes, we do have crime, and we all know there are some certain parts of town that you DO NOT go into at night, but for the most part, we live our lives without any major threat. We hear stories about bank robberies, cars getting stolen, houses getting broken into, but not usually our own. Just imagine walking through your neighborhood grocery store and seeing some guy pull out a bomb and blowing up the entire place. But this wasn't a crazy looking guy. If you saw this guy, you might actually consider talking to him, because he looks normal enough. But on the inside, he is driven by some other force, some evil religious motivation that has been indoctrinated inside him since birth. Islam.

I have pledged allegiance to my country to protect it from ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic. Terrorism is a serious threat, and not something to be taken lightly from a presidential candidate. He thinks that soldiers do not want to fight for their country. He thinks families would rather have their soldier come home soon in a defeat than staying the course and arriving back in a glorious victory. But the Audacity he displays as he speaks for ME is very distasteful. He is speaking of the exception, rather than the rule. This defies my logic, because I understand there are exceptions to every rule, but call them as they are, not as what you want them to be. Don't act like 1 different story out of a thousand means that is how it is. But the reality is that there are people who believe this story, because they have nothing else to go by. That's why I speak. I call it like I see it. You can agree, disagree, or agree to disagree, but I am open to conversation. I am not closed-minded, but I am strong in my conservative christian values. More to come later...