Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just words...just speeches...

I'm terribly disappointed in America. Seems we have forgotten the values this nation was founded on. There is so much uncertainty here, so many questions that should have been asked but weren't. Who is this guy? Does anybody really know who this man really is?? Why has he kept so many documents hidden from the public which would reveal his past? WHAT IS HE HIDING?!?!

We will find out. I'm serious, we WILL find out. This is gonna be such a HUGE wakeup call to Americans, and we will find out. I just pray that we don't find out AFTER it is too late. There's gonna be change alright, nobody was arguing that there wouldn't be. The question is, what kind of "change" will he bring? Is there a difference between good change and bad change? We will find out very soon, and America will be brought back together again like we were on Sept. 12th, 2001, when it didn't matter what party you were with. America will realize that the Left will destroy our country from the inside out. It is already happening. And will continue to happen until we see some real "change." God bless our Nation, and please pray like you have never prayed before.


Autorotate said...

I just vented about this. my level of disapointment is through the roof. I was holding out hope but the majority of this this country is now "all about them" and a free-ride.

jamie said...

i always read your blog through a reader, so i hadn't noticed your sticker/header! love it! brandt would too :)

i tend to not get political, but i will say i agree! things are about to change, and prob not in a good way :(

btw, your pool/yard look great!

Unknown said...

Just goes to show that in today's election process, people get caught up in a pretty face and mindless speeches. No wonder Obama won, people thought Bush was running from all of the negative publicity on McCain and Bush.

People trust the media to much for their knowledge and are brainwashed into an extreme liberal agenda. Hopefully this upcoming administration will help people realize that bad government has consequences on its people. I hope people will start making their own decisions and not let others make them for them.

jamie said...

i tagged you! check out my blog:

and i challenge you to not have them all be about politics