Saturday, September 13, 2008

Go 4 a swim??

So today has been an interesting day, so far. I'm all by my lonesome, but not bored, simply because there is so much going on that needs to be done. First of all, the pool guys installed the liner yesterday and started running the water around noon or so. And it ran all afternoon...and all evening...and all night...and all this morning...and it is STILL not full. Probably by either this evening, or in the middle of the night it'll be full. I am a little nervous, though, because I can't wait to see just how many gallons it took to fill it up. There is just no telling how high the water bill is gonna be this month!! I'm gonna have to ask the city if they have a payment plan for the water bill! haha! But seriously, that's gonna stink hardcore.

Oh well, because there are happier things in life to focus, wow, look at the cool new pool liner, or look at the cool new POOL!! check it out...I have not been "thankful" for this hot, hot, hot weather here in Lower Alabama, until now...cuz I wanna go SWIMMING!!! =) Hopefully it stays hot (never thought I'd ever say that) just a little bit longer, so we can enjoy the water before we sell the house.

I still can't find the camera charger (grrrrr) so I'll have to take pics with my phone...but I don't enjoy the luxury of having an iPhone (hahaha), so please hold all your comments about the poor quality of my photos until...indefinitely...enjoy!

Come on over!! Well, once we get the pump and filter working (hopefully by Sunday!!)

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