Friday, August 29, 2008

"Just Words...Just Speeches..."

So, I still haven't found the camera charger...grrrr. Do I really have to buy a new one? Man I wish I could find it. Anyway, we had a very interesting night yesterday that I feel compelled to tell you about. I'll go ahead and preface my rant with a warning...

WARNING: If you do not like politics, political lingo, party-talk, or conservative values, feel free to skip this blog and come back another time. Adios! =)

Ok, now for those of you who have chosen to partake in this epic journey of choosing the right president for our nation in 2008, I commend you. What I write is not meant to be offensive to anyone, I will simply jot down my thoughts, and you can decide for yourself if you agree or disagree.

Last night I was sitting at home, about to enjoy a nice quiet evening of killing spetznas terrorists online in Call of Duty 4 for XBox 360. It had been a long day (about 2 hours of class from 12:30 till 2:30, well maybe 2:15). So I was stressed out and wanted to release said anxiety on some 10 year old kids who play way too many video games. (We call it pwning noob haxors). I always turn on Sean Hannity's radio program in the afternoon, who gets me all pumped up to take on terrorism in a big way. I caught him talking about the coloseum throne where the "anointed one" was said to be descending later on that night, to give an acceptance speech to all the sheeple at the rock concert. I then decided it was time to call up my buddy (who has cable) and find out if they had plans to watch the messiah. Turns out they didn't plan on it, but who could resist such a grand self-invitation from a major cool family like us. So we watered our camels, wrapped the baby, and prepared for this long expedition to Athens (and yes, our camels can swim).

Upon arrival, Bill O'Reilly greeted us by giving us a glimpse at what Obama was going to focus on. More importantly, he told us what Obama WOULD NOT be speaking about. I will start out by saying that I thoroughly enjoyed the speech. It made for a very entertaining evening, sparking (fueling) all kinds of heated political converstation. His delivery was pretty good, but I don't think as good as some of his past speeches. For the first 20 minutes or so, he had a very captive audience present. Most smiling, many crying like the brady bunch girls watching a partridge family concert, or nowadays like how my little sister-in-law would probably react at a jonas brothers concert. Point is, the sheeple wanted to see God in human form, not knowing that He already came 2000 years ago. Most likely because either they are so far left that they have no religion and/or are athiestic/agnostic, or they have conformed with some extreme version of a religion (such as black liberation theology, or a break away catholic anything goes religion like polosi). So, for lack of a better comparison, all of Gomorrah came to choose their new leader.

First of all, I absolutely hated the fact that it took 10 minutes from the time he got up onto his throne, until the time he actually started the first words of his speech. For about the first 5 minutes there was applause, and we heard his pride and arrogance as he said "Thank you, thank you. Thanks. Thanks. Thank you, thanks. Thanks. Thank you..." and so on. Then, you started to hear it in his voice, the frustration began to set in. He had had enough of the maniacal clapping, the screaming, the crying, the sacrificing of animals (jk)...he was ready to get on with it. After repeating his first 3 or 4 words followed by more thanks about 5 times, he was finally able to begin.

There were several aspects of the speech that offended me. I would consider myself to be a true American Patriot by definition...I'm proud of my country and am prepared to do anything to defend her and her interests. I do believe that we live in the greatest nation on earth, and love our freedoms. True, we are not free to do "whatever we want," but we are safely free to do much more than any other country. I say safely because I believe that for our own national security, certain "freedoms" must be given up for self preservations (such as tapping phones and screening emails). If you have a problem with getting your phone tapped or your emails being read, then I would dare to ask the question what are you hiding? These measures are taken to secure ourselves from the enemy within, outsiders who lurk within our borders, our universities, our communities, who are the wolves in sheep's clothing. Some may seem like they have good intentions, but you never can really tell, can you? Now onto the offensive part.

I absolutely hate the fact that Barry thinks he can talk for me. I don't know you, and you most certainly don't know me, so don't act like you do. I guess he figures that because he has voted on bills pertaining to soldiers and veterans, he basically knows what it means to be a soldier, and what it means to be a veteran, and what it's like being the wife, daughter, son, mother, and father of a soldier (or I guess husband in a few cases). He actually thinks he speaks for me and my family when he talks about foreign policy...when he talks about putting people in harms way...when he talks about what families are going through when their soldier is deployed. Let me tell you MY experience. I enlisted right after 9-11, because I wanted to make sure that an attack like this would never happen again on our soil. The middle east is a very dangerous area, we all know that. Locals do not feel safe walking in the streets because they never know which extremist group is going to set off a roadside bomb or a suicide bomb. They never know who is going to pull out an ak-47 from under his/her robe and start spraying in a public marketplace. They don't know why a father would send his 6 year old boy walking toward them with a live grenade. We all understand that this madness is the norm for some countries, but NOT the United States. Yes, we do have crime, and we all know there are some certain parts of town that you DO NOT go into at night, but for the most part, we live our lives without any major threat. We hear stories about bank robberies, cars getting stolen, houses getting broken into, but not usually our own. Just imagine walking through your neighborhood grocery store and seeing some guy pull out a bomb and blowing up the entire place. But this wasn't a crazy looking guy. If you saw this guy, you might actually consider talking to him, because he looks normal enough. But on the inside, he is driven by some other force, some evil religious motivation that has been indoctrinated inside him since birth. Islam.

I have pledged allegiance to my country to protect it from ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic. Terrorism is a serious threat, and not something to be taken lightly from a presidential candidate. He thinks that soldiers do not want to fight for their country. He thinks families would rather have their soldier come home soon in a defeat than staying the course and arriving back in a glorious victory. But the Audacity he displays as he speaks for ME is very distasteful. He is speaking of the exception, rather than the rule. This defies my logic, because I understand there are exceptions to every rule, but call them as they are, not as what you want them to be. Don't act like 1 different story out of a thousand means that is how it is. But the reality is that there are people who believe this story, because they have nothing else to go by. That's why I speak. I call it like I see it. You can agree, disagree, or agree to disagree, but I am open to conversation. I am not closed-minded, but I am strong in my conservative christian values. More to come later...


Kristinsgirls said...

That was great Rocky. I'm glad that you let it all out. I agree for once(just kidding).

Unknown said...

You do not know me but I ran across your blog and had to comment! I agree totally! Thank you for being a sevant protector of all our citizens and our freedoms! I pray that god will hear our cries and rescue us from those who are blinded from the truth.

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