Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Iraq...leave or stay??

Not sure if everyone has heard this yet (because the leftist media doesn't care enough about this country to tell us when their anointed candidate messes up) apparently Obama met with the Iraqi Foreign Minister back in July, and this is what he was preaching to Americans (mostly democrats)...his policy of Iraq was that we were losing, Bush is an idiot for going to war, and he will "CHANGE" Washington by withdrawing the troops from Iraq, and "bring our boys home." So, when he won his primary, that was his stance...Immediate withdrawal. But, not too long later, it became a "phased withdrawal" done in a 16 month time period. So this brings us to July, when he actually went to Iraq to talk with their leaders. Now, what exactly do you think he talked with them about? You would think "bring[ing] our boys home," right? ERRRRRRRRR...Wrong...he actually told them to DELAY sending troops home. Can you believe that?? So his campaign fights back with this article stating these claims are false. Read it here, then come back.

Ok, you back yet? Did you notice this quote about halfway down the article?
But Obama's national security spokeswoman Wendy Morigi said Taheri's article bore "as much resemblance to the truth as a McCain campaign commercial."

In fact, Obama had told the Iraqis that they should not rush through a "Strategic Framework Agreement" governing the future of US forces until after President George W. Bush leaves office, she said.


Can you believe this guy? Preaching out of one side of his mouth bring 'em home, then out of the other side spewing the complete opposite, leave 'em there until I get in office, so I can bring 'em home (in 16 months...or whenever I change my mind again), so long as Bush doesn't get the credit for doing something I WANTED TO DO (at one point or another in my campaign)!! What an idiot...if he really cared about my buddies overseas, he would want them to be out of harms way NO MATTER WHO gives the order...every day I hate this guy more and more. He is a danger to our Country, our Military, and our Freedoms.

1 comment:

Drew D. said...

You and I both know that is the liberal way. There is no bigger hypocricy than the ideology of the left. Barry is doing nothing more than trying to manipulate the American people, and if we don't wake up he'll succeed. I love your title by the way, I am putting you on my blog reel. Take care.