Sunday, August 31, 2008

which path will you choose??

So I came across a pretty awesome analogy this evening that I just had to post before I forget about it. I was doing research about the difference in taxation policies from both candidates, and ran across an interesting perspective. I realize that this doesn't apply 100% of the time, to every person, every situation, but it does say a lot.

"Two Kids: One gets all A's. The other gets all D's.
If the kid with the A's gives the kid with the D's some of their A's, then both will have all C's.
Nevermind the fact that the A student worked hard to earn their grades.
Just consider the fact that the D student wants what the A student has.
Eventually, the A student will have no incentive to work hard, and the D student will never have to."

This actually makes me challenge my perspective on societal classes. On the one hand, I live by the commandment of Loving one another above ourselves, and helping the helpless. But where do you draw the line? What is the difference between "poor" and "helpless?" I think there is a difference. I think that people sometimes lump all the lower class of society together, when in actuality, there are probably several classes, as well as classes within classes. What does "needy" mean to you? It could mean someone who is struggling, working hard, but just not able to make it in their current state. Maybe they are reaching out for help, and may or may not find it. In this case, I say the church, or we as blessed individuals and families, have a responsibility to step in and rescue with love. Now how about this definition for "needy": One who has been given things their entire life and doesn't know how to work hard. Or, worse, one who is ABLE to work, but doesn't because they EXPECT a free hand-out. One who refuses to work, or finds some sort of loophole in the law, or lies about an ailment to collect a check. I struggle with these issues, because I have always been taught to give a man a fishing pole, and teach him to fish, so that by helping him he can then help himself, as opposed to laboring, fishing all day long, and giving the man fish daily...indefinitely. I feel good when I labor and come home being able to support my family with the talents God has blessed me with. How can you feel like you have any self worth when cheating the govt out of a welfare check? Doesn't make any sense to me, probably because I've never been given a handout. I can imagine, though, I would hate to lose it if I had one all of my life and was suddenly told I had to work. Hence the millions of lower class citizens voting for Obama. Just my opinion, I could be wrong. Let me know! See ya.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Awesome post - I linked to you from my blog. I really hope this country doesn't become socialist!!! I might move to Australia...